segunda-feira, 29 de março de 2010

Culture Got You Down?

São quase quatro da manhã por alturas que escrevo este post (com as sonoridades de castevet no background musical) e ainda bem que não estou a dormir. Apetece-me partilhar coisas com os meus leitores... well, you people reading this.

Andava eu perdido pelas interwebs quando dou de cara com uma "short essay" bastante interessante por um tal de Chuck Klosterman, que nos faz pensar um pouco sobre os nossos gostos e sobre a forma como percebemos arte num sentido global. Faz-nos também reflectir sobre a importância e valor do relacionamento entre cultura popular e sub culturas, e o quão interessante são as possiveis diferenças e similaridades entre estas, quer seja em arte (música, cinema, dança...) political views, orientação sexual, religião, etc.

Aqui está ela. Espero que apreciem:

“Do you want to be happy? I suspect that you do. Well, here’s the first step to happiness: Don’t get pissed off that people who aren’t you happen to think Paris Hilton is interesting and deserves to be on TV every other day; the fame surrounding Paris Hilton is not a reflection on your life (unless you want it to be). Don’t get pissed off because the Yeah Yeah Yeahs aren’t on the radio enough; you can buy the goddamn record and play “Maps” all goddamn day (if that’s what you want). Don’t get pissed off because people didn’t vote the way you voted. You knew that the country was polarized, and you knew that half of America is more upset by gay people getting married than it is about starting a war under false pretenses. You always knew that many Americans worry more about God than they worry about the economy, and you always knew those same Americans assume you’re insane for feeling otherwise (just as you find them insane for supporting a theocracy). You knew this was a democracy when you agreed to participate, so you knew this was how things might work out. So don’t get pissed off over the fact that the way you feel about culture isn’t some kind of universal consensus. Because if you do, you will end up feeling betrayed. And it will be your own fault. You will feel bad, and you will deserve it.”

1 comentário:

  1. a leitora apreciou o short essay ^^

    todavia agora, em vez de tentar adormecer, vou ficar a pensar nisto ;__;
    (mas ao menos é um tema interessante, thx)

    p.s.: and yes, Yeah Yeah Yeahs aren’t on the radio enough mas a atitude:
    é que se foda, tenho isso no pc n_n
